Travelers Joins Movo as a New Insurer Partner

Travellers Insurer Partner

The Movo Partnership are delighted to welcome Travellers as an Insurer Partner. Travelers offer a very exclusive market with some unique products and facilities as well as providing with a wide spectrum of products and sector coverage.

Travelers also offer an online platform called MyTravelers where they trade a number of products, they also have products available directly in Acturis. They have an exceptionally wide appetite and can write extremely large risks both in the UK and globally.

Travelers are selective over whom they work with and remain a very sought after Insurer Partner not only in the UK but globally, hence why we are absolutely thrilled that they have agreed to partner with us. Along with our other key partners, we are confident that Travelers will offer huge benefits to our group.

Lea Cheesbrough stated that ‘this partnership really demonstrates our commitment to the network and our own partners. We are constantly striving to offer the very best products in terms of quality and choice, ensuring we give everyone the opportunity to grow and offer real value to their own clients.

We want all our partners to be able to run a business they can be proud of, giving them opportunity to uphold the highest standards for product and service.’


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